Playing solo and more at Social Justice Center open house Tomorrow! and other August shows

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Playing solo and more at Social Justice Center open house Tomorrow! and other August shows

Hello friends,

I’m writing to tell you about/remind you of some more upcoming shows. Last time I included info about the SJC Open House (tomorrow!) I wasn’t on the music itinerary, but now I am. And excited to be playing a real piano plus my jr. rig, so again anything is possible. Please try to make it! Food, fun, music, learning, a chance to share your vision for your community and also pitch in to make it real.

Friday July 20, 6-10pm
The Future of Social Justice - Renovation Kickoff and fundraiser for Social Justice Center
Various artists including Charlie Cheney’s Sugar Still, Raging Grannies, and more ~ I’ll play solo on piano + casio + everything else, starting at 9pm.
Social Justice Center 1202 Williamson Madison WI. More info here

This is an open house renovation fundraising party to kick off our Madison MAN Cooperative s campaign to make coworking, commons, free store, and cooperative experimentation space at the Social Justice Center. Please come!!!! There will be tons of fun activities, including visioning and sign-up for creating the Social Justice Commons and other projects related to the Madison MAN. I’ll run some of the MAN activities from 6-9 and will play music between 9 and 10pm. Bring lots of money to contribute, in whatever form (credit cards or PayPal OK), and lots of ideas about what you’d like to see for your community.

Saturday August 18, 8pm
Ladyscissors at Art In! 1444 E. Washington, Madison WI
White Bush Unicorn show. Other details tba

Thursday, August 23, 8:30pm
Negative Example at the Crystal Corner Bar, 1302 Williamson, Madison WI
WORT Orton Park Fest Warm-up party!
also with the Apologists and Bing Bong. Fun night of music!

Hope you can make it to one of these.

Take care,
