try a little democracy

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try a little democracy

hi there

I had occasion to re-listen to my 2007 album Democracy the other day - for the first time in several years - and I must say I was gratified to hear how much I like how it sounds. And devastated to hear how relevant its very dark political subject matter is right now.

So I decided to give it away as a belated July 4 present. Feel free to download it here -

I'll play some songs from it that I haven't played in a really long time, at my show this Tuesday July 17 at High Noon Saloon. Starts at 8 and I'm last after 2 great acts - Mori Mente and Painted Saints.

Here's the facebook event:

Hope you get a chance to listen and, if you're around Madison, come to the show.

And also change this country.

thanks for paying attention,
